Sunday, 28 April 2019

Massey Graduation Parades (16th, 17th, and 18th April 2019)

The week before Easter the band did the Massey Graduation Parades in Takapuna.  This consists of 2 parades a day, one in the morning and one in the evening, then a set on stage while the graduates are seated.

I did 2 of the 3 days (Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th).  As Kerry was away for all of them, I had the opportunity to lead the band for the day on Wednesday.  The below links has us playing in the Bruce Mason Centre however you cannot see us most of the time.

Here are some photos from the Massey Facebook page

ANZAC Day 2019

Yet another early morning, setting my alarm for 3am.  Out of the house around 4am and off to the Glynn's to carpool for the day.

Although the street was pretty busy due to the vehicle cordons around the museum, we were able to find a carpark.  A noticeable absence was our Pipe major Tim.  As it turned out he had Shingles and was not able to make any performances for the day.

The Dawn service at The Museum went as normal, we played on the Cenotaph before the services entered.  There were noticeably less people this year than previous.  The below video has a quick shot of us during the service.


As for every year, after the service we were invited for breakfast at the Museum.  We got to meet the Major Phil Goff, who was key in letting us play on the Cenotaph while a lot of the other services were being cancelled.

The band then did the Newmarket Parade which was not cancelled.  This was because the service is organised by the Newmarket Business Association not the council and run as it usually does. The service was ok, similar to every year where Ngati Whatua open the service, the local MP and Minister say something, wreaths are laid, then the national anthems for New Zealand and Australia are sung before the service is closed.

We had to quickly move off to Henderson as this service started at 11am, half an hour earlier than usual. This was inside as the street march part was cancelled. We were late into the RSA, and stood at the back of the service.  We then played for 20 minutes in a semi-circle ending on the organisers favourite tune, The Gael.

Sunday, 14 April 2019

Rodney Cameron's Family Photos

My Grandfather made this video when he was still alive, I have edited with cleaned high definition pictures and uploaded it for social media.

Friday, 12 April 2019

Latest Blog Activity Update

Just a quick note that I have a few post to setup on this blog, however have not had the time recently, I want to update the latest Clan Cameron events, as well as my accounts for the bands performance at the recent competitions ending at the Nationals in Dunedin. I also want to spend a bit more time in the genealogy space and produce more reports on my ancestors. There are a few people that I want to upload as pages to this blog showcasing my history. Also regarding the videos on the update regarding the nationals, there are only 2 videos on youtube, but I set them up as individual in the blog post to start at specific times. This has not worked as I intended and the videos either run from the start or where the viewer last left it. I will have to put notes in the blog on what times during the videos to watch.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019

Carving for the Clan Cameron Raffle

Here are some photos of a Tekoteko that I did for the Clan Cameron Raffle.  This was won by Carole McIntosh.