Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Taiaha Update - 1st March 2018 - Final

Taiaha is now complete and delivered.  Hopefully I can get some photos of the final product with the new owner.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Taiaha update 20th February 2018

The Taiaha is nearly done, I was able to use a spokeshave to get the shaft down by quite a bit.  Time is of the essence as the receiver of this will be leaving the Monday after the Nationals 11th of March.  That gives me 2 more Tuesday carving nights (one which I might not make), and maybe a Sunday or two.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Taiaha Update 13th February 2018

Time is nearly up, the head is mainly done, a little tidying to do and that's done, mainly working on the shaft now, will need to get that down to size next week, ready for staining.